Course introduction
深度的英文交流 自然的引導你表達自我 利用時事議題作為上課題材 不僅能深度討論 還可交換他國觀點...
Topic class
Leisure/hobbies, events/invitations, festivals/culture, campus life, trip planning, greetings, phone language, eating out. Work, Expre...
Advanced Conversation Class
● Train fluency, expression, natural intonation, and native style of speaking. ● Express your thoughts in English and promote ones Engl...
Intermediate Conversation Class
● Can understand the key points of standard documents that are common in the workplace, in school, and in casual situations. ● Cope wit...
Beginner Conversation Class
● Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic vocabulary to meet specific needs. ● Be able to introduce yourself and oth...
Only 6-10 people in a small class to allow each student to have sufficient interaction time with the teachers and classmates, and to re...
Grammar Class
Grammar is organized into rules of rationality and becomes the pillar of language exchange. It is meaningless to learn grammar by rote memor...
Phonics Class
The design of the textbook is for beginners and all students who want to learn natural pronunciation and want to speak beautiful English. Di...
Management Course
For businesses, knowing how to communicate in English can successfully expand overseas international markets and enhance global competitiven...
Business training
Office workers and professional managers are very busy, so, in order to prevent this from becoming a burden to learning, we c...
One-to-one teaching
Office workers and professional managers are very busy, so, in order to prevent this from becoming a burden to learning, we c...